Fitted with 868MHz multipoint radio frequency module (RF versions), for connection to remote printer, PC of one or more crane scales (also with approved transmission through the Alibi Memory option), or weight indicator/repeater of one or more crane scales (with attached printer, labeller, or other accessories).
Fitted with infrared remote control for use up to 8m of distance. The remote control can be configured by the customer as a single automatic tare or as a remote keypad;
Power supply through 4 AA batteries, which may be rechargeable, operating time of about 40 hours (without radio frequency communication);
Digital calibration and programmable Set-Up directly from the keypad or from the PC with Dinitools;
Programmable digital filter and auto switch-off;
Operating termperature: -10 /+40 ºC;
RS232 serial port on the RJ45 connector for quick programming with Dinitools;
Fitted with protective transport case with dimensions (WxLxH) 175x480x390mm.
Weighs accumulation.
+/- check.
Weigh percentile.
Hold, for freezing the weight on the display.
Peak, for identifying the weight peaks.
X 10 high resolution visualisation.
Net/Gross or lb/kg conversion.
Remote radio frequency weight indicator/repeater, with attached printer, labeller, or other accessories (see DFW.., 3590.., TRS.., DGT60.. series’ weight indicators).
Real Time Clock.
Alibi memory.
ACCREDIA calibration certificate according to OIML/ASTM standards.
Quality / Certification Assurance with every Solution
When you work in an industry that involves transporting multiple vehicles with heavy units and materials, weighing becomes a necessity. Driving a vehicle on the road is not road legal due to its weight. Having your vehicles weighed incorrectly could ultimately leave your business vulnerable to prosecution.